Generate your own calendar
Powered by Tambako's Calendar Generator 1.45

Expert mode :   on     off

 General settings

Page width: (in specified unit)
Page height: (in specified unit)
Or choose a preset:

Orientation of the days:horizontal   vertical
Months per row:
Number of pages:
First day of the week:

Show week numbers:
Font size factor: (in specified unit)
Position of the week number:left   right
 Picture settings
URL:  Active 
Height/width: (in % of the height/width of the page)
Auto picture height/width:
Zoom factor:
 Specific pictures for pages
Specific URL for page 1:
Specific URL for page 2:
Specific URL for page 3:
Specific URL for page 4:
Specific URL for page 5:
Specific URL for page 6:
Specific URL for page 7:
Specific URL for page 8:
Specific URL for page 9:
Specific URL for page 10:
Specific URL for page 11:
Specific URL for page 12:
Left margin: (in specified unit)
Right margin: (in specified unit)
Top margin: (in specified unit)
Bottom margin: (in specified unit)
 Font settings
Font size factor:
Use bold fonts:
Upcase letters:
 Other layout settings
Height of the title: (in specified unit)
Title text: (use %y or %Y to display year)
Padding of the title: (in specified unit)
Outline size: (in specified unit, 0=no outline)

Year after each month: (if active, no title will be displayed)

Spacing of the months: (in specified unit)
Month's horizontal ratio:   Auto 
Month's inner padding: (in specified unit)
Month's days offset:H:    V:  (in specified unit)
Max. month's random placing: (in specified unit)
Max. day's random placing: (in specified unit)
Height of the month's title: (in % of the height of a month)
Padding thereof: (in specified unit)

Rounding radius: (in specified unit)   TL    TR    BL    BR 
Show overlapping days lines:
Month's border:
Line width:
 Color settings
Basic color: (RRGGBB format)
Or choose a preset:
Or use a random color:   for each page: 

Darkness of the background: (0 - 100)
Or use this background color: (RRGGBB format, let blank to use basic color)
Background gradient color: (RRGGBB format, let blank to use basic color)

Alternative title's color: (RRGGBB format, let blank to use basic color)
Outline color: (RRGGBB format)

Darkness of the month: (0 - 100)
Month's bg gradient color: (RRGGBB format, let blank to use basic color)

Darkness of the month's title: (0 - 100)
Alternative month's title's bg color: (RRGGBB format, let blank to use basic color)
Month's title bg gradient color: (RRGGBB format, let blank to use basic color)
Month's title text color: (RRGGBB format, let blank to use basic color)

Darkness of the border: (0 - 100)
Month's days color: (RRGGBB format, let blank to use basic color)
Weekend's color: (RRGGBB format, blank=no difference with weekdays)
For:Saturday & Sunday Sunday
Week number's color: (RRGGBB format, blank=no difference with weekdays)

Color contrast: (-50 - +50)
 Shading options
Shading type:
Specular brightness: (-100 - 100)
Specular brilliance: (0 - 100)
Specular position: (0 - 100)
Specular color: (RRGGBB format, let blank to use basic color)
Shadow/ambient color: (RRGGBB format, let blank to use basic color)
 Shadow settings
Intensity: (0 - 200)
Saturation: (0 - 100)
Distance: (in specified unit, 0=no shadow)
Angle: (in degrees)
Smooth shadow:
Smoothness: (0 - 100)
Transparent shadow:
 Transparency settings
Title's transparency: (0 - 100)    Blending mode:
Month's title bg transparency: (0 - 100)    Blending mode:
Month's title transparency: (0 - 100)    Blending mode:
Month's bg transparency: (0 - 100)    Blending mode:
Days' transparency: (0 - 100)    Blending mode:
Copyright text's transparency: (0 - 100)    Blending mode:
Moon phases' transparency: (0 - 100)    Blending mode:
 Picture copyright settings
Copyright text:  Active 
Height: (in specified unit)
Padding: (in specified unit)
Color: (RRGGBB format)  Shadow 
Font:   Bold 
 Moon phase settings
Show Moon phases:
GMT offset for Moon phases:

New Moon color: (RRGGBB format)
First quarter color: (RRGGBB format)
Full Moon color: (RRGGBB format)
Last quarter color: (RRGGBB format)

Symbol dark color: (RRGGBB format)
Symbol bright color: (RRGGBB format)
Quarter symbol phase:(0 - 100)
 Other settings
Days off:
Save preset: 
Load preset: