Info about "Tambako Goes To Rio"

 General information
Title of the track :Tambako Goes To Rio
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Genre :Latino House
Size :3709k
Duration :3:57
Description :Some day, Tambako decided to travel to Rio de Janeiro, to discover the carnival and its crazy rhythms. Here is the retranscription of what he heard...
Composed with :MakingWaves on PC
Copyright :2001 FMF
Format :mp3
Released on :June 2001
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Number of downloads :2806
Number of info views :30331
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10 December 2023  ÎœÎ‘ΓΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΡΤΥΗ γνώση είναι μαγική δύναμη! ΜΑΓΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΡΤΥ