Info about "Above The Clouds Remix"

 General information
Title of the track :Above The Clouds Remix
URL of the track :
Genre :House Trance
Size :10356k
Duration :8:50
Description :This is my first real remix. I remixed that song from Matt Sweetman, a good musician friend, which was originally a fast breakbeat song, so I had to slow it down and integrate a house beat. Then I could make my creativity work to give it my own personlity, but still let the original conceipt of the song. I'm quite proud of it, for a first remix!
Composed with :Reason 2.5 on PC
Copyright :2004 Matt Sweetman & Tambako
Format :mp3
Released on :26 February 2004
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Number of downloads :2946
Number of info views :82023
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