Info about "When Days Live Long"

 General information
Title of the track :When Days Live Long
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Genre :Old School Dance(/house)
Size :7285k
Duration :6:03
Description :This song was based on a melody (formed by three simple chords) which I invented about twelve years ago, playing it on my keyboard, and even once composing it on OctaMED and playing it onto my keyboard via MIDI. I finally wanted to create a new version of it, because I think, even if it's simple, it's sounding good. This time I took a style near of the dance style of the mid nineties, but of course with own touch of style too!
Composed with :Reason 2.5 on PC
Copyright :2004 Tambako
Format :mp3
Released on :19 June 2004
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Number of downloads :3523
Number of info views :98628
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