Info about "I Can Feel Your Love Sleeping Away"

 General information
Title of the track :I Can Feel Your Love Sleeping Away
URL of the track :
Genre :House Dance
Size :9886k
Duration :8:26
Description :This song is one of my best so far, especially because of the lyrics that gives it a professional sound, and that party style specific to some house tracks. The lyrics are from a song of 1984 (Samson&Delilah - I Can Feel Your Love Sleeping Away) but are sounding like they were newer... The style is quite classical, nothing too special (it could have have been released many years ago), but still nice to listen to, I'm sure you will like it, so download it and enjoy! :)
BPM :129
Composed with :Reason 2.5 on PC
Copyright :2006 Tambako
Format :mp3
Released on :26 May 2006
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Number of downloads :3263
Number of info views :16725
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